Content profesional
Beginner + Advanced +
- The distribution of brokers (real advantages and disadvantages)
- Basic complicated distribution
- ECN /
-stp /
-MM /
-Easy distribution by common sense (practice)
- Mediator
- Creator
- Casino
- Cheater
- Further division (bonus, swaps ...)
- Bonus
- Without bonus
- Other benefits
-advantages and disadvantages of each
- Complete explanation
-Who is therefore best for us
- Comparison according to our needs
- Completely forget everything that you have learned (if it would work, you would profit long ago)
- Why is it a waste of time tinkering on the Internet and systems
- It's past
- Market changes
- It is public
-Why do we have to develop our own system
- It is necessary to find a hole that people do not know yet
- what about all the books on Forex?
-Why do we have to look at it the opposite way, as publicly accessible
- Reason
-Forget about back tests
- What is significant (the point is who will pay)
- Who might pay that ?
- Options
- Participants, How does it work
-What really moves the markets when it's still 50/50
- Demonstration of how it is
- Why it is so
- The principle of the movement of prices with common sense
- Complete disassembly (true reality)
- We are looking for real advantages
-What is the real advantage
- How to find a real advantage
-Why it is nearly impossible without it
- Real benefits for retail clients
- Calculations on forex, Excel, Basic of connections
- how to understand the principle of forex
-connection via DDE
- Excel samples, familiarization
- Counting across all currencies
- Demonstration of the nature of forex in Excel chart
- What can it be used for
- Fair Use
- What does it tell us
- Lines
- S / R otherwise
- What is S / R classical theory
- Line, what it is
-How it is count
- MP
- Line, how to draw
-how to draw
- Where to draw
-for how long
- Why only trade around them
- The principle of train station
- The same thing over = goal
- Nothing unsettles you
- You know exactly where and when you enter
- Why is there market residing (train station)
- Accounts, breaking into multiple accounts (MM / RM otherwise)
- Why to decompose capital to more accounts
- Explanation
-leverage is a friend
-the pros and cons
- Why decompose to more brokers
- Diversification
- Use the best of each
- SL myth, which was defeated, Swiss Franc- confirmation of my experience
- Demonstration
-What happened and consequences
-How to Protect
- What to focus on
- A real advantage
- Size of accounts
- Separation of accounts
-trading on line
- New MM / RM
- Summary of the accounts unfolding
- Functional System
In this part a person will starts to look on forex from completely different angle and will start to use its simple mathematics to become successful, the course includes EXCEL, which will count, where the big players starts. By completing this course you can create any profitable strategies based on simple forex basis. Includes also beginners and advanced course. Individual care for each student.