Affiliate terms & conditions
Affiliate terms & conditions
A partner and a provider of commission program confirm by registration to a commission program their commitment to act in line with these terms & conditions.
The provider of commission program is:
RIFM, s.r.o.
Miestného priemyslu 561
029 01
Identification number of the company: 48 116 700
Tax identification number: 2120056059
Identification number of VAT: SK2120056059
These terms & conditions define a relation between the provider on one side and the partner on the other side. The partner might be a legal person or an idividual who has been registered to a makeshift program of the provider.
1.General conditions
1.1 Makeshift program is being operated by a RIFM, s.r.o. company, mentioned next just as the provider.
1.2 A prospect who will register into a makeshift programme is called the partner.
1.3 The partner is promoting services or products of the operator by his marketing activities at websites, discuss forums, emails, at social networks or via PPC campaigns.
2.Rights and responsibilities of the partner
2.1 The partner can ask for a termination of partnership anytime during his membership at the partner programme. If partner does it, there will be paid a reward within 1 month to him for approved provisions until the day when he requested for his membership´s termination.
2.2 The partner isn´t allowed to promote campaigns and products at websites, emails, discuss forums and social networks which are in a conflict with laws of Slovak Republic or with good manners.
2.3 The partner isn´t allowed to harm goodwill of the provider.
2.4 The partner isn´t allowed to order goods or services from the provider via his/her own commission link. If he does it, he will lose a right for a created commission.
2.5 The partner is required to protect his access data to commission software to avoid misuses by the third party.
2.6 The partner is allowed to use textual and pictoral materials of the provider for propagation which were created by the provider for this purpose.
2.7 It is strictly forbidden to promote the provider by messages sending (via emails, SMS or at discussion forums) which will be qualified as SPAM. If there will be revealed such an activity of the partner by the provider, it might lead to an immidiate termination of partner´s cooperation and to closing of the partner´s account. The partner is losing all the rights for provisions which hasn´t been paid to him so far.
2.8 It is allowed to promote campaigns joined to this commission programme by using PPC campaigns at AdWords, Facebook Ads, e-mail etc.
3.Rights and responsibilities of the provider
3.1 The provider is committed to approve partners´ conversions truly and without delay.
3.2 The provider isn´t responsible for possible damage caused by promotion of programmes connected with the commission programme.
3.3. The provider is committed to pay the commission to the partner for conducted conversions.
3.4 The provider guarantees 99.5% system´s availability. There are not being counted unavoidable objective reasons into system´s availability (e.g. electricity shutdown, outage of the internet hotspot etc.) or operation interruption due to systemic intervention of the provider to the server´s operation.
3.5 The provider has the right to change these terms & conditions anytime. The provider is obliged to inform the partner about changes in terms & conditions.
4. Commission
4.1 Commission´s height is stated at each campaign separately.
4.2 Commissions will be approved always after expiry of time limit given by the law for a possibility to ruturn money back to the customer. (Guarantee period of money refunding is usually 30 days, but it can be changed based on the provider´s decision)
4.3. Commissions will be approved at those conversions where were properly and totally executed payments for the goods or services promoted in campaign.
4.4 The partner doesn´t have any right to get the commission for cancelled orders.
4. Commission´s payment
5.1 The partner has the right for commission´s payment in case that sum of approved commissions in system is higher than 100 €.
5.2 If the partner exceeds this amount, he has the right to ask for the commission´s payment via commission software. There will be sent a report to the partner upon his request. This report contains the final amount which can be invoiced by the partner. If partner cannot present an invoice, his commission will be paid to him based on The Agreement of Service.
5.3The payment due of invoice presented by the partner is 14 days.
5.Personal data protection
6.1 The provider proclaims that data will be protected in line with given establishments of the law number 122/2013 statute about Personal data protection.
6.2 The partners who have registered into the partner programme agree with e-mails sending which will be serving for news and information providing related to campaign in commission programme or with provider´s type of business.
Terms & conditions are valid in this terms until 1.1 2017.